Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Sheila Ceron                                                                                        September 21, 2016

Blog post 1

In the film "Race: The Power of an Illusion, Episode 1", microbiologist Pilar Ossorio commented "there's as much or more diversity and genetic difference within any racial group as there is between people of different racial groups. Today people are classified by their physical characteristics such as their body types, skin color, hair type, eye color and much more. Put what they don’t know is the actual meaning of what race actually is.
According to the article “Black? White? Asian? More Young Americans Choose All of the Above” the author stated that “Optimists say the blending of the races is a step toward transcending race, to a place where America is free of bigotry, prejudice and programs like affirmative action.” I don’t agree in this because prejudice is based on our beliefs and our thoughts. I believe that race will always play a part in our lives even if we have more multiracial families. Race will always play a part in our our life if we have people that believe and have thought on race and color and are discriminatory towards race its going to be really hard to transcend race. 
My Racial identity is Hispanic/ Latina. My Parents are Dominican. So my background is Dominican. The reason I classify myself as a Hispanic/Latina is because of where my family comes from and the language that we speak. I take a lot of pride in being Dominican. I love our food, our music, our traditions, etc. I thought it was really interesting that in the film “Race: The Power of an Illusion, Episode 1,” microbiologist Pilar Ossorio had the DNA ancestry study. I grabbed my attention because all of our DNA are different even though we might look the same when it come to the tone of our skin. My mom has a fairly white skin tone but that doesn't make her less of a Dominican than I am due to the color of my skin which isn't white. Our skin color has nothing to do with it because we all have different race. At one point in the film they mention that Dominicans are good at baseball. That's one the most stereotypical things I have heard.  My father is Dominican and he has never placed baseball. He never leaned. People have misconceptions on how others they think each race is perceived. I think that in order to know how to do something you need to learn and practice. In Baseball leagues there Isn't Just Dominican baseball players. We; the people create these misconceptions and stereotypes. Everyone should be entitled to do and be who they please. 

Work cited
Saulny, S. (11, January 29). Black? White? Asian? More Young Americans Choose All of the Above. Retrieved September 21, 2016, from


  1. Very powerful and real! This piece was very personal, and that added to the passion I could sense from your writing. Unfortunately, I am also sensing that it was sightly rushed. Some sentences are lacking structure, and you're missing some of Prof. Lewis-McCoy's requirements. For the rewrite, don't forget to 'insert' two pictures (the first photo isn't visible even when I tried opening it in another tab, and then on google, you also need to include another link and I believe he wanted at least 2 scholarly articles. I think you should look up recent articles on stereotyping, and colorism on Google Scholar!

    Again, awesome work; well thought out, well structured (content and focus) and and full of passion!

  2. I agree with Mariah that what makes this post powerful is your incorporation of your experience with race, as well as your father's. You challenge hegemonic assumptions about race and ability though your father's narrative in a similar way to what the documentary attempts to do.

    I also think that with more time, you can clean up some of the post. Some of the things I noticed, were you didn't ever close the quotation in the first paragraph and you also wrote "Put" instead of "But" in the last sentence of the 1st paragraph. In the second paragraph you used "our" two times. And then in the last paragraph I don't think you need to restate the title of the documentary because you already did that at the beginning.

    In terms of meeting the requirements, you are almost there. I believe you need to leave a link to the article, “Black? White? Asian? More Young Americans Choose All of the Above” and provide one more link. You also need to engage with two scholarly sources.

    I think you could try and find a link that engages with your family's experience with race (something about Dominicans and baseball could be cool) as well as find literature on race, stereotypes, or ethnicity to engage with.

    All in all, this is a great start!
